Saturday, 10 November 2012

Remembrance Day

Always a tough one.

Remembrance Day is one of those that needs to be explained to curious minds. It has to be. They are able to hear it, they are able to ask questions about it-and even if you think you can get away with not explaining it (although I'm not quite sure why you would want to try), they WILL ask why people are wearing red flowers. And yes-you should tell them the truth.

I have a 5 year old of my own. We talked about Remembrance Day quite a bit leading up to Friday. Friday at his school-and at many schools (including the one I am employed at) was the Remembrance Day Assembly. It is meant to be a quiet, and respectful ceremony to honour.

I wanted my own son to be prepared for the silence so I did talk to him about it. We listened to "highway of heros" by the Trews, about 300 times leading up to the day. It is a song he has heard a kajillion times anyways, as I have a slight addiction to the fabulous band. I'm sure you all know it but if not CHECK OUT THE SONG.

We talked about the words and what they meant. He gets it.

In our kindergarten class, we worked on the concept of Remembering people who fought in the war for our freedom. We read this:

I didn't know how this book would go over. I have seen it in the bookstores for years. I have never bought it so was glad when my partner said she had it! I read it to the class- and wow. They sat still. They listened. They absorbed.
Great resource to add to my own collection! :) Love trying books on for size before investing!
We also designed this fantastic wreath to take to our Remembrance Day Assembly. Our reading buddies helped us.

We made it using a poppy pattern, red tissue paper and a black pipe cleaner. The kids love when they get to take a break from reading with their buddies and just have some good old craft time.

I think they did a beautiful job-but perhaps I'm bias.

I also caught some boys in the block center, making connections to real life.

Normally I discourage the war play-but given that this took place 5 minutes after our assembly-and they built a tank with soldiers and one boy said "i just want peace" I let it go.

Does everyone agree that they aren't too young to talk about the importance of remembering? How do you help kids remember?

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Remembrance Day is a tough one. I tell my k kids that we wear poppies to honour people who have had to go to war so that we can have peace. And then we talk about being peaceful. I figure that they have lots of time to learn about war - in kindergarten we will talk about peace.

    rubberboots and elf shoes
